
History - Delving Deeper

Status:Active, full but can join waiting list
When: Monthly on Tuesday afternoons 14:00
second Tuesday of the month.
Venue: Please contact the Group leader

We are a friendly group that meets at 2pm on the second Tuesday of the month.

In January, 2024, the group embarked on an exploration of Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries, putting our English History studies into a wider context. Our meetings will be discussion-based: group members will discuss key points and themes, so everyone needs to do a little preparation for each meeting. Our first topic is the Reconquista in Spain. This will be followed by an exploration of the significance of the Silk Roads and then by the origins of the Renaissance. Below are some of the questions which we may discuss:

The Reconquista in Spain: what was it? What was its impact on Spain? How significant was its legacy for the Iberian peninsula and for the rest of Europe?

The Silk Roads: trade with the East in the Renaissance. Why had it been so lucrative? Why did it decline so quickly after the discovery of the Americas?

The roots of the Renaissance: how far back can they be traced? Why did the Renaissance flourish in the 15th and 16th centuries (and flourish first in Italy)?

There are currently no spaces in the group. Please contact the group leader, by clicking on the link on this page, if you may be interested in joining us at a later date and would like further details of our plans.